Archeochef Rome

Tastings and culinary traditions of ancient Rome

Tasting with the chef specializing in the reproduction of dishes of ancient imperial Rome

Archeocucina is culture in the dish, it is a historical atmosphere a bit magical and a bit intriguing.
Dinners are accompanied by short anecdotal stories of our chef that make it "aware paths".

The philologically exact dishes are accompanied by ancient and fine wines such as Falerno del Massico and Passiti Siciliani, scented candlelight and flutes in the background complete the environment.

The Archeo-dinner or Archeo-appetizers are set up at the facilities of ILove Rome Apartments, the dishes are served at the moment, ready, with selected ingredients, organic, high quality and the table is set in style.

Have you ever tried dishes like this?

It's a very special experience

Our trusted chef is Maria Carla Palombo. Her ambition is to serve culture on the plate.

The dishes of its menus are taken from historical sources dating back to the first and second centuries AD, handed down by the great chefs of ancient Rome.
As some vegetables and spices are now difficult to find cultivates them in a small vegetable garden odorous.

In 2018 she was awarded the honorary title of Academician of Merit of the Norman Academy.

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